(1984) Shoot tip culture of Helianthus annuus — flowering and development of adventitious and multiple shoots. NLM Murfet, I.C. (1986) Floral determination in the terminal and axillary buds of Nicotiana tabacum L. Dev. 71, 925–931, Paton, D.M. Analysis of the transcriptional responses in inflorescence buds of Jatropha curcas exposed to cytokinin treatment. (1957) Leaching of a flower inhibitor from late varieties of peas. Immediate online access to all issues from 2019. Planta 175, 9–12, Larkin, J.C., Felsheim, R., Das, A. Pisum sativum (peas) are hardy annual plants native to Eurasia that have been grown since 7,000 B.C. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. 118, 587–592, Singer, S.R., Hsiung, L.P., Huber, S.C. (1990) Determinate (det) mutant of Pisum sativum (Leguminosae: papilionoideae) exhibits an indeterminate growth pattern. Bot. 92, 615–621, Habermann, H.M., Sekulow, D.B. Author information: (1)Department of Biology, Carleton College, 55057, Northfield, MN, USA. 112, 377–382, Devlin, R.M., Witham, F.H. Thus cells within the meristem were determined for inflorescence development. BMC Plant Biol. Determination occurred at least eight nodes before the first axillary flower was initiated. Bot. Humans have likely been eating peas for approximately 9,500 years, and cultivating them for 8,500 years (Elzebroek and Wind, 2008). © 2021 Springer Nature Switzerland AG.  |  This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Mechanisms and function of flower and inflorescence reversion. (1984) Flowering in Pisum: a fifth locus veg. -. Chen MS, Pan BZ, Wang GJ, Ni J, Niu L, Xu ZF. (1990) Leaf process and meristem determination in Nicotiana. Epub 2005 Aug 30. Am. Plants of the garden pea Pisum sativum an annual Papilionaceae species which have a mutation in the COCHLEATA (COCH) gene bear compound stipules of leaf morphology and secondary inflorescences in which flowers are borne in axils of bracteoles on an inflorescence stem. (1968) Experimental separation of inflorescence development from initiation in Bougainvillea. Stem: Erect and climbing, one to three feet high, young stem densely pubescent, somewhat angular, herbaceous, green and branched.. Leaves: Alternate, petiolate, … Trifolium repens in Kullu District of Himachal Pradesh, India. 1972 Dec;36(4):339-49 Inflorescence of Lupinus arboreus (Yellow bush lupin) Pisum sativum (Peas); note the leaf-like stipules Smithia conferta. PISAM: Pisum sativum L. var. Bot. -, Planta. Tooke F, Ordidge M, Chiurugwi T, Battey N. J Exp Bot. Pea VEGETATIVE2 Is an FD Homolog That Is Essential for Flowering and Compound Inflorescence Development. Nature 215, 319–320, Reid, J.B., Murfet, I.C. Botanically, pea pods are fruit, since they contain seeds and develop from the ovary of a (pea) flower. Planta Rice is an ideal genetic model to study the inflorescence development of grasses. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! 10–18, Lord, E., Bernier, G., eds. Teeri TH, Uimari A, Kotilainen M, Laitinen R, Help H, Elomaa P, Albert VA. J Exp Bot. We thank Drs. Similar results were obtained for cultured axillary buds. Question 5. Zornia gibbosa. NIH National Center for Biotechnology Information, Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Dev. (1989) Floral initiation as a developmental process. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00202961, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in SPECIFICATION OF MERISTEM IDENTITY IN PISUM SATIVUM INFLORESCENCE DEVELOPMENT Susan R. Singer, Sonja L. Maki and Heidi J. Mullen Department of Biology, Carieton College, Northfield, MN 55057, U.S.A. Introduction The diversity of inflorescence patterns encountered among angiosperms can be at-tributed to modifications of a few basic plans (25). The first node of floral initiation (NFI) for bud expiants developing in culture and for adventitious shoots forming on cultured meristems was compared with the NFI of intact control buds. 1753.. Herbáceas anuales, trepadoras, muy variables en forma y hábito, glabras. Tokyo, Spec. 1991 Nov;185(4):513-7 51–57, Lord, E., Bernier, G., eds. Noteworthy Characteristics. Select the mismatch pair. These findings indicate that determination for inflorescence development in P. sativum is a stable developmental state, separable from determination for flower development, and occurring prior to initiation of the inflorescence at the level of meristems. The pea is most commonly the small spherical seed or the seed-pod of the pod fruit Pisum sativum.Each pod contains several peas, which can be green or yellow. J. Bot. (a) In Pisum sativum leaflets modified into tendrils (b) In Atalantia terminal bud is modified into thorns (c) In Nepenthes midrib is modified into lid (d) In Smilax inflorescence axis is modified into tendrils Answer: (b) In Pisum sativum leaflets modified into tendrils. This trait is of both agricultural and evolutionary interest. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. In: Plant reproduction: from floral induction to pollination, pp. By age 3, all terminal buds were determined for inflorescence development. Growth 36, 339–349, Irish, E.E., Nelson, T.M. Abstract. Would you like email updates of new search results? sativum, has a fibrous pod that is not edible.The seeds are harvested when almost mature and eaten fresh as shelled peas or the pods can be left to mature when the mature seeds are harvested and used dried. In: Growth regulators in plant senescence, pp. barren inflorescence2 regulates axillary meristem development in the maize inflorescence. Garden Pea (Pisum sativum). Determination occurred at least eight nodes before the first axillary flower was initiated. Planta 185: 518-522 Sci. Pisum sativum are Ethiopia, the Mediterranean, and central Asia, with a secondary center of diversity in the Near East (Vavilov, 1949). macrocarpon Ser. 137, 434–443, Linsmaier, E.M., Skoog, F. (1965) Organic growth factor requirements of tobacco tissue cultures. (1970) In vitro studies of floral shoot apices of Pharbitis nil. Nature 180, 200–201, CAS  Genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted to identify loci associated with agronomic (days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, seed yield and seed weight), seed morphology (shape and dimpling), and seed quality (protein, starch, and fiber concentrations) traits of field pea (Pisum sativum L.). McDaniel, C.N. 53, 369–382, Schwabe, W.W., Al-Doori, A.H. (1973) Analysis of a juvenile-like condition affecting flowering in the black currant (Ribes nigrum). M.S. Review of the health benefits of peas (Pisum sativum L.) - Volume 108 Issue S1 - Wendy J. Dahl, Lauren M. Foster, Robert T. Tyler Skip to main content Accessibility help We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. J. Bot. Mag. Summary: Key words: Pisum. American Society of Plant Physiologists, Rockville, Md. Vishakha Sharma, Bhumi Nath Tripathi, Sushil Kumar, Organ-wise homologies of stipule, leaf and inflorescence between Pisum sativum genetic variants, Delonix regia and Caesalpinia bonduc indicate parallel evolution of morphogenetic regulation, Plant Systematics and Evolution, 10.1007/s00606-012-0612-x, 298, 6, (1167-1175), (2012). USA.gov. The present study reports the inflorescence ontogeny and morphology in tribe Fabeae (Fabaceae) addressing the evolutionary trends of selected inflorescence features in clade Lathyrus–Pisum–Vavilovia.In all three mentioned genera, the whole inflorescence in annual taxa comprises an open shoot bearing frondose leaves subtended by simple racemes. Biol. Dev. Biol. Biol. Determination for inflorescence development was assessed by culturing excised buds and meristems. Studies in model legumes such as pea (Pisum sativum) or Medicago truncatula have led to a rather good knowledge of the genetic control of the development of the legume compound inflorescence. Am. By age 3, all terminal buds were determined for inflorescence development. (1991) Floral determination and in-vitro floral differentiation in isolated shoot apices of Lolium temulentum L. Planta 185, 9–16, Miginiac, E. (1978) Some aspects of regulation of flowering: role of correlative factors in photoperiodic plants. Terminal meristems of Pisum sativum (garden pea) transit from vegetative to inflorescence development, and begin producing floral axillary meristems. The common garden pea, Pisum sativum var. Pea (Pisum sativum) has served as a model for development of the compound raceme, characteristic of many legume species, and in this study, we characterize the pea VEGETATIVE2 (VEG2) locus, showing that it is critical for regulation of flowering and inflorescence development and identifying it as a homolog of the bZIP transcription factor FD. Similar results were obtained for cultured axillary buds. thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y., USA, Sokal, R.R., Rohlf, F.J. (1981) Biometry. : 727 (1753) Accepted by. -, Growth. Susan R. Singer. Ann Bot. Planta 148, 462–467, McDaniel, C.N. Clivia miniata Foeniculum vulgare Tithonia diversifolia Phaseolus vulgaris Pisum… Pisum sativum L. appears in other Kew resources: IPNI - The International Plant Names Index. 967–973, Hirakawa Publ., Tokyo, McDaniel, C.N. organ parasitic mode stage note taxonomic group parasite; fruit: borer: larva: doubtful: Apionidae: Eutrichapion ervi: fruit: borer: Chrysomelidae: Bruchus pisorum: fruit Scientific name TYPE OF INFLORESCENCE Gladiolus sp.  |  Summary: Together with an outstanding practical value, garden pea (Pisum sativum L.) represents a classical model object for studies on ontogeny of compound inflorescence, compound leaf, zygomorphic flower and nodulation. In: Plant growth substances 1973, pp. Thus cells within the meristem were determined for inflorescence development. Determination for inflorescence development is a stable state, separable from determination for flower development in Pisum sativum L. buds. Solution for Give the flower type of inflorescence below. (1989) Flowering genes in Pisum. 18, 100–127, Matsushima, H., Itoyama, T., Mashiko, Y., Mizukoshi, T. (1974) Critical time of floral differentiation in Pharbitis nil shoot apex. In: Plant reproduction: from floral induction to pollination, pp. (1972) Development and aging in Helianthus annuus L. Effects of the biological milieu of the apical meristem on patterns of development.  |  In addition, meristems excised without leaf primordia from axillary buds three nodes above the cotyledons of age-3 plants gave rise to adventitious buds with an NFI of 8.3 ±0.3 nodes. Dorothy Jegla (Kenyon College, Gambier, Oh., USA), Michael Marcotrigiano (University of Massachussets, Amerherst, USA), and Carl McDaniel (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y., USA) for critical reviews of the manuscript and Ms. Heidi Junger for excellent plant care. Planta 185, 518–522 (1991). McDaniel, C.N., King, R.W., Evans, L.T. Plant Sci. Inflorescence architecture has also a strong impact on the production of fruits and seeds, and on crop management, two highly relevant agronomical traits. Such a model, when compared with those created forAntirrhinum majus andArabidopsis thaliana, both of which have simple racemes, should provide insight into the evolution … In: Pattern formation: a primer in developmental biology, pp. Terminal meristems of Pisum sativum (garden pea) transit from vegetative to inflorescence development, and begin producing floral axillary meristems. Can. Freemann, W.H., San Francisco, Sprent, J.I., Barber, H.N. PISUM L. . When terminal buds having eight leaf primordia were excised from plants of different ages (i.e., number of unfolded leaves) and cultured on 6-benzylaminopurine and kinetin-supplemented medium, the NFI was a function of the age of the source plant. The architecture of the inflorescence, the shoot system that bears the flowers, is a main component of the huge diversity of forms found in flowering plants. (1984) Competence, determination and induction in plant development. Escapes have been reported in scattered locations across North America, including New England. Pl. Sussmilch FC, Berbel A, Hecht V, Vander Schoor JK, Ferrándiz C, Madueño F, Weller JL. Terminal meristems of Pisum sativum (garden pea) transit from vegetative to inflorescence development, and begin producing floral axillary meristems. Hosackia stipularis (Stipulate Lotus) Planta. Pisum Species: sativum Family: Fabaceae Uses (Ethnobotany): Grown as green manures and cover crops Life Cycle: Annual Recommended Propagation Strategy: Seed Country Or Region Of Origin: Eurasia Climbing Method: Tendrils Edibility: Seeds, pods, flowers, … When terminal buds having eight leaf primordia were excised from plants of different ages (i.e., number of unfolded leaves) and cultured on 6-benzylaminopurine and kinetin-supplemented medium, the NFI was a function of the age of the source plant. 727. These findings indicate that determination for inflorescence development in P. sativum is a stable developmental state, separable from determination for flower development, and occurring prior to initiation of the inflorescence at the level of meristems. Singer 1991 Determination for inflorescence development is a stable state, separable from determination for flower development in Pisum sativum buds. Habit: Cultivated herb, becoming shrubby.. Root: Branched tap root system, nodulated due to the presence of nitrogen fixing bacteria (Rhizobium leguminosorum).. Classification. Pisum sativum L., Sp. Terminal meristems of Pisum sativum (garden pea) transit from vegetative to inflorescence development, and begin producing floral axillary meristems. Get the latest public health information from CDC: https://www.coronavirus.gov, Get the latest research information from NIH: https://www.nih.gov/coronavirus, Find NCBI SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sars-cov-2/. Plant Cell. Ferguson CJ(1), Huber SC, Hong PH, Singer SR. Paterson, K.E. - J. Exp. Geographic subdivisions for Pisum sativum: NCo, NCoRO, GV, SCoRO, SCo, PR, expected elsewhere : MAP CONTROLS 1. Epub 2015 Mar 24. 1988 Jul;175(1):9-12 (1983) Plant Physiology, 4th edn., P.W.S. Inflorescence Detail Closeup - Buy this stock photo and explore similar images at Adobe Stock In contrast seed-derived plants had an NFI of 16.5 ±0.2. 24, 969–981, Singer, S.R., McDaniel, C.N. American Society of Plant Physiologists, Rockville, Md. Subscription will auto renew annually. Google Scholar, Wang, T.L., Woolhouse, H.W. Pisum sativum inflorescence architecture genes Gene Mutant phenotype VEGI No flowers, no [I.sub.2] stub DET Converts [I.sub.1] meristem to [I.sub.2] meristem terminating as a stub NEP Multiple pods per inflorescence branch in both nep-1 and nep-2 alleles PIM Floral meristem develops as anflorescence meristem BROC Enhances pim phenotype; broc alone is wild type UNI Reduces … This work was supported by U.S. Department of Agriculture grants 87-CRCR-1-2554 and 90-37261-5516 to S.R.S; C.J.F was supported by a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Undergraduate Biological Sciences Education Initiative Grant (71108-502901) and National Science Foundation grant DIR 90-00810. Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. You can change the display of the base map and layers by clicking on the layer control box in the upper right-hand corner. Issue 1, 159–173. Correspondence to J. 8, British Plant Growth Regulator Group, Wantage, UK, Department of Biology, Carleton College, 55057, Northfield, MN, USA, Carolyn J. Ferguson, Sarah C. Huber, Pauline H. Hong & Susan R. Singer, You can also search for this author in Pl. volume 185, pages518–522(1991)Cite this article. We are characterizing a suiteof Pisum sativum mutants that alter inflorescence architecture to construct a model for the genetic regulation of inflorescence development in a plant with a compound raceme. PubMed Google Scholar. HHS Winter bud content according to position in 3-year-old branching systems of 'Granny Smith' apple. Ferguson, C.J., S.C. Huber, S.R. Determination for inflorescence development is a stable state, separable from determination for flower development in Pisum sativum L. buds. (1988). Pisum sativum L. var. Determination for inflorescence development was assessed by culturing excised buds and meristems. (1985) Floral determination in axillary buds of Nicotiana silvestris. Learn more about Institutional subscriptions, Bhar, D.S. 5–25, Jackson, M.B., Grout, B., Mackenzie, I.A., eds. So far, a large amount of data has been accumulated on the regulatory mechanisms of the inflorescence architecture in model plant species such as arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), rice (Oryza sativa), maize (Zea mays), and pea (Pisum sativum) . Its domestication dates back at least 3000 years in southwestern Asia, and seeds have been found in archaeological sites dating back at least 6000 years. 2014 Nov 30;14:318. doi: 10.1186/s12870-014-0318-z. Epub 2006 Oct 5. Ann. Thus, the axillary meristems contributing to the inflorescence had not formed at the time the bud was explanted. Monogr. -, Planta. 2015 Apr;27(4):1046-60. doi: 10.1105/tpc.115.136150. Ferguson, C.J., Huber, S.C., Hong, P.H. COCHLEATA controls leaf size and secondary inflorescence architecture via negative regulation of UNIFOLIATA (LEAFY ortholog) gene in garden pea Pisum sativum Bibliography Sort Newest first; Oldest first; Alphabetically; First published in Sp. Am. 77, 1330–1335, Smith, S.E.M. 70, 121–127, Hackett, W.P., Sachs, R.M. Macmillan, New York. Soc. Planta 185, 513–517, Gould, K.S., Chambers, S.R.P. 2003 Oct;92(4):581-8. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcg178. Determination for inflorescence development was assessed by culturing excised buds and meristems. 393–412, Malacinski, G.M., ed. et al. 1991 Aug;185(1):9-16 (1967) Leaf status and photoperiodic control of flower initiation in a late variety of pea. Physiol. -, Cell. Both crop improvement and developmental researches Hort. Kashubian vetch – Kashubia. The first node of floral initiation (NFI) for bud expiants developing in culture and for adventitious shoots forming on cultured meristems … Determination for inflorescence development was assessed by culturing excised buds and meristems. Part of Springer Nature. (1990) Characterization of pea shoots miniaturized by growth in culture. This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access. 2006;57(13):3445-55. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erl181. Wisconsin 38. Development of maize plants from cultured shoot apices. Por Amy Pool. PRIMORDIA IN FLOWERS OF PISUM SATIVUM (LEGUMINOSAE: PAPILIONOIDEAE)1 SHIRLEY C. TUCKER Department of Botany, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803 ABSTRACT The floral ontogeny of Pisum sativum shows a vertical order of succession of sepals, petals plus carpel, antesepalous stamens, and antepetalous stamens. Thus, the axillary meristems contributing to the inflorescence had not formed at the time the bud was explanted. Werier, D. (2017). Garden pea (Pisum sativum) is a widely cultivated plant, and hundreds of forms have been developed. Solution for Scientific name Type of Inflorescence Gladiolus sp. (1991) Flowering response of Nicotiana tabacum L. day-neutral and short-day cultivars: Interactions among roots, genotype, leaf ontogenic position and growth conditions. Epub 2003 Aug 15. Flower and inflorescence development (determination, inhibition). The first node of floral initiation (NFI) for bud expiants developing in culture and for adventitious shoots forming on cultured meristems was compared with the NFI of intact control buds. (1980) Influence of leaves and roots on meristem development in Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. In the wild-type P. sativum stipules are simple foliaceous and flowers are non-bracteolated. 2005 Oct;56(420):2587-99. doi: 10.1093/jxb/eri254. 48, 1355–1358, Coen, E.S., Romero, J.M., Doyle, S., Elliott, R., Murphy, G., Carpenter, R. (1990) floricaula: a homeotic gene required for flower development in Antirrhinum majus. In addition, the increasing availability of genetic and genomic tools for legumes is allowing to rapidly extending this knowledge to other grain legume crops. (1982) Hormonal aspects of senescence in plant development. Summary: Our paper provides new data on genetic control of flower number per axillary inflorescence in garden pea (Pisum sativumL.). (1990) Floral determination in the terminal bud of the short-day plant Pharbitis nil. 1990 Dec 21;63(6):1311-22 In addition, meristems excised without leaf primordia from axillary buds three nodes above the cotyledons of age-3 plants gave rise to adventitious buds with an NFI of 8.3 ±0.3 nodes. Cell 63, 1311–1322, Dennin, K.A., McDaniel, C.N. PubMed  humile Poir. Plant. J. Bot. Clivia miniata Foeniculum vulgare Tithonia… Publishers, Boston, Gebhardt, J.S., McDaniel, C.N. Botanical description of Pisum sativum (Pea Plant). 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pisum sativum inflorescence 2021