2. While the Latin phrase “quid pro quo” (tit for tat) sometimes applies in life, sometimes it’s not relevant. It can be argued if you’re a closed and defensive person in many aspects of your life then you’re going to experience suffering. Smile and the world will smile with you. On the other hand, if you give it everything you have and things don’t work out, then your effort is definitely not a failure! A better approach is to focus on solutions all the time. You can bury them in your sub-consciousness or get totally consumed by them. Keep in mind that even living a “safe” life isn’t guaranteed since there are no certainties in life. Number 15: Spend money on experiences, not things Being grateful for what you already have is the perfect place to begin this journey from. This could involve success, expectations, a career, a relationship etc. Every time you do something you don’t want to do, you’re tearing down pieces of what makes you, you. We recommend you at least know what to look for, that’s why we made a video called 15 Little Things To Appreciate in Life. Your life is your own. The most important relationship you can ever have is the one you have with yourself. Research shows that to go through life successful, you must be able to name and describe your emotions you experience. Rule 1: Treat every day like a birthday gift, Rule 2: Make a living instead of making a life, Rule 3: Let joy rather than fear lead you, Rule 6: Let your emotions guide but not define you, Rule 7: The past doesn’t define your future happiness, Rule 11: Give and expect nothing in return, Rule 13: Maintain a Positive Mental Attitude, Rule 16: Get in touch with your eternal essence, Rule 17: Feel comfortable about your physical appearance, Rule 19: Try to deal with more uncertainty, Rule 20: Open up to people and get their support, When was the last time you did something for someo, One of my favourite quotes about happiness as a go, Ryan started tracking his happiness at the end of, Do you live in the past? The more you do things you don’t want to do, the less happy you are. It can also result in our lives lacking joy and happiness. Always... 2. We all have 24 hours in a day. If you have basics like food, clothes, and shelter that’s technically all you “need” in life. You should be able to use all your senses to appreciate how fruitful life is. It’s critical to know what causes you the most happiness in life because that allows you to steer your life in the best direction possible. When we give to others – whether that’s money, a smile, or a hug – it paradoxically has a positive effect on our happiness as well. You’ll find them below. Data junkie and happiness tracker for over 7 years. You can be as ripped as you want but if your mind is not in the right place you’re still unhappy. While it’s impossible to think positive 100% of the time, it’s a good goal to have. As things progress be ready to react to the new changes. It could involve tasks like reading a book, visiting a gallery exhibit, or even drinking a cup of coffee. When faced with such a situation, here’s what you need to do: If you follow this 4 step plan you can get through almost anything life throws at you. Our situation can change instantly without any warning signs. You’ve now lost control of yourself, others, and the entire. Number 8: Don’t overthink You only live once. This elevates who you are as a person, the more you explore and experience, the more complex of a mind you become. 13, 2017 How one woman's dad taught her to always stay cool, calm, and collected no matter the situation. Consider these rules to find more contentment and satisfaction with yourself and in your relationships: Make peace with your past, so it won't disturb your present. The key is not to think too much on these things. Just take a step back and analyze your current reality. You can get rid of your fears and distorted ideas. It’s super easy to look at other people and feel down because you don’t have the same level of success, the same level of happiness or the same type of relationships, but what you fail to realize is that you’re comparing someone’s final chapter with your first few ones. There are examples to show how you can use these rules to live a happier life. So making a living is part life. Then stay away these from small-minded people, because they’re toxic and not worth your time. They might not all feel right for you, but I’m sure you’ll find a couple that you can focus on in 2019. Examine life, engage life with vengeance; always search for new pleasures and new destines to reach with your mind. There are many psychology professors who back up the claim that experiences have a longer happiness span than material things. We might also feel that other people aren’t meeting the expectations we have of them. That’s due to social media often putting people’s imperfections front and center, whether it’s related to their mind, body, or personality. You can learn from your mistakes and that’s something you should do so you can avoid repeating them. You can’t control everything, so it’s not worth trying. Number 14: Don’t take yourself too seriously This was our take on 15 Rules to Live a Happy Life! You can use different methodologies like yoga, which put the power of a PMA front and center. That’s because the only thing that’s really guaranteed in life is change. 4 Things Psychologists Do Every Day to Feel Happier. This is what we are trying to do with our Instagram account: @alux. Would that be cool? This goes beyond the clothes, titles, roles, and so on. That’s why you need to be healthy! Meaning.. For example, make sure you’re not making everyday decisions based on the Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO). You’ll actually accept the different perspectives and want to comprehend them better. It’s about “me time.”. ), How to Practice Forgiveness Daily (4 Tips With Examples), Why Does Giving Make You Happy (With Real-Life Examples), 8 Secrets Of Self-Discipline (Benefits And Tips), What Happiness Means To You? There’s something special about giving something to people we love and not expecting anything in return. It’s instead concerned about what you’re being. When someone says “I don’t know” in the middle of an argument, that’s usually a sign of wisdom. It’s important to keep working to have a PMA. You can truly experience yourself by living life to the fullest—even if it’s Monday. Time heals almost everything. Once you did everything in your power to solve the issue, let it go and see what happens. Everyone... 2. Believe in Yourself , but Be Aware of Your Limitations. Guess what, making other people happy results in your being happier for a longer period of time than just serving yourself. You may think that money or success is important, but nothing is as important as your own body. Feeling like you’re in the driver’s seat of life can produce a feeling of security. Read on as Dr.Phil shares his 10 Happiness & Success Laws To Live By. This has to do with how much happiness you can get for your buck. If you want to live a happy life, then avoid making decisions based on your fears. That’s because it can cause priceless positive feelings. However, it can be a problem if you’re unhappy in the process. Opening up to people can help you achieve these goals. It’s a bigger failure when we didn’t even try something instead of not achieving success. Let’s look at an example: Imagine a world where you’d be right all the time. It’s advisable to avoid both of them. Ten Rules for a Happy Life. Count your blessings, not your troubles. The most important things in life are: FAMILY, HEALTH & RELATIONSHIPS. Do at least one good deed a day. When this happens, you’ll find out you aren’t the only person who has problems and weaknesses. They include: In fact, the opposite of over-analyzing is taking action. It’s called How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. You are the living example that good things are happening in the world. Also, comfort is really awesome, but happiness comes from not having to worry about the basics. I discovered the power of gratitude when I was living in poverty. Money is an amazing tool to have in your arsenal, but that’s all it is, ONE OF THE TOOLS, it’s by no means the end goal. This can also involve asking people for help. It can affect your stomach, heart, thoughts, etc. When we have this sort of mentality, we’re limiting ourselves because we assume life will be ordinary until the weekend. Number 12: Make other people happy It can be tough to deal with these issues because it’s not easy to deal with our “flaws.” In today’s society, it’s one of the biggest happiness killers. Think of what your life was like 5 years ago and how much it has changed for the better. While it may sound a lot easier said than done, here are 30 ways to nurture a healthy, happy life. The universe doesn’t owe us anything. So stop worrying about things you can’t change and focus on the here and now. Recent studies show that social networks are making you less happy with your life. Miyamoto Musahi – 21 Rules to Live Your Life – the great Samurai Warrior . That’s because you’ll be motivated by more than money. Let us know in the comments and we will join the conversation! It’s about connecting with the essence of who you are. In fact, mistakes can be some of our best teachers when trying to achieve success. Be comfortable in your own skin.. This can involve not questioning your thoughts, not having new perspectives, and not thinking/acting differently. Fill your life with love. I felt it in a way that will stay with me for a long time, and I'm reminded that all any of us want is to live a happy, healthy life. Your energy, your mindset, your productivity and attitude towards life. What’s the big deal with money in terms of your happiness? We often make the big mistake of thinking that the true meaning of life is doing things. This can be detrimental to things like your self-confidence and self-esteem. It’s better to take whatever life has for you and do what you’re required to do. You don’t feel sad about what happened in the past while you also don’t fret about the future. However, when we keep thinking deeper instead of taking action, it causes unnecessary delays and makes us a worrywart. In life, we often avoid taking risks and focus on creating a life we wish to live. That said, you can live a better and happier life if you can deal with uncertainty better. If you can monetize your passion, that’s even better, but if you can’t at least find a way to exercise it in some form or another, it will keep you sane. If you don’t know where you’re going it doesn’t matter how hard you run. As always, there’s the video version of 15 Rules to Live a Happy Life if you don’t feel like reading: Here’s our take on how to live a happy and fulfilling life: Number 1: Define from which point you consider yourself successful We feed of the energy, the ideas, the vibes of others and having the right kind of people around is such a valuable asset for yourself and your future. Learn to deal with uncertainty better so you’ll be more likely to be a happy person: It’s common for people to feel vulnerable when opening up to people and being transparent. https://www.trackinghappiness.com/rules-to-live-by-happier-life It’s more important to move slowly in the right direction than sprint to a place you don’t want to be! Live one day at a time. The only person you should compare yourself with is your past self. On one hand, there’s nothing wrong with earning money. Don’t stick with the soul-crushing job, stop letting people treat you like shit and never settle for something or someone who doesn’t make you happy. It’s about focusing on negative things like what’s wrong about something, what’s missing, what could be better etc. That’s just the start. You can even do some stretching/yoga in places like the park and beach. They have your back no matter what! It’s critical to let go of the idea what we must meet others’ expectations of us. When we get back to nature seeing the greenery, fresh air, and wildlife can help to live in the moment. Don’t let emotions take over your life. Spreading happiness is paradoxically a great way to find happiness yourself! Make sure you are able to do so. Number 2: Realize how much you already have and be grateful for it Happiness can be found in the smallest things that we are blessed with every single day. It’s better to let go of wanting to know everything and accept the fact that others can help you in some situations! However, the problem is when it takes over our lives. Meanwhile, if you keep an open mind, you won’t feel threatened when you hear different ideas or beliefs of other people. That’s because it can seem like a threat and cause you to feel like you’re wrong. Hack Spirit has over 30,000 subscribers receiving Lachlan’s daily emails. Shakespeare once wrote that there’s nothing good or bad but “thinking makes it so.”. You don’t need many, all you need is a partner who’s willing to go through this life with you no matter what and 1 or 2 friends who would wake up at 3 am and bail you out if it came to it. So what’s going on? People don’t realize the importance of slow progress! This gives permission for other people to do the same thing. 1. It’s probably the best advice you’ll ever get on the issue and we recommend you get it as an audiobook so you can listen to it in the car or at the gym. When you do that you avoid a lot of emotions that prevent you from living your life. Let’s say you have a chance to try out a new restaurant or blockbuster movie that has received great reviews. You grow up inside a family and then you develop your own for a reason. That’s because we can get caught in a vicious cycle of negative thinking. You end up becoming dependent on feeling that you’re in control. The kind of rules that most people learn as kids (but promptly seem to forget the minute they enter middle school). You can achieve this goal through various methods. They focus on what’s happening right now and who they’re with. ... Long Live The Dream. Pay attention to what you choose. This mostly is about doing what you want to do and what you enjoy doing. One of the best gifts people can give is from their heart, which can result in true happiness. Seeing the good in people isn’t just about helping others. By Dave Willis. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to “win” in life. This doesn’t concern only your physical state, but your psychical as well. Meanwhile, this can also cause you to lose your freedom. 2 – Treasure your body for it is the vessel that guides you through your life. You can watch it below: If you go through that video and just are aware of what the most important little things are, you will be able to not fall in the same trap many others will. Before you fall asleep think about the things you’re grateful for. However, by setting an example, they might be willing to reciprocate the action. If you do that you’ll be more likely to achieve success. These little moments and motions you go through every day, they stack up and form what you know as “Your Life”, so you better pay attention to them, because even if you get your dream goal, you might just realize that you’ve sacrificed too much and now it wasn’t worth it. Feeling wrong makes us feel unaccepted, and that’s not fun. Seek for good in everyone and everything Pray or Positive Affirmations every day. Doing that can help to bring out the best in people. It can be tough to switch from FOMO to JOMO but can be a game-changer in your life. If you’re not following, you’re missing out + we love the community there as well, we usually reply to private messages so that’s a secret you just found out. When you have a narrow/closed mind, it can have a negative impact on you. The key is that making decisions based on joy vs fear is always the better choice. People overthink things that sometimes have an easy fix or are even outside of their control. To this day there’s a single book that nobody has been able to top. That can drive you nuts since things don’t always pan out how you planned. When you have a narrow mind, it’s tough to deal with people who have different ideas/beliefs than you. Missing out on something can be a good thing. Because you’re no fun to talk to, know it all better and aren’t open to other people’s ideas. Seek ways to improve both and your chances of living a happy life dramatically increase. This can result in true happiness. Without it you can’t live. Yes, we’ve all failed in the past. This is basically why you need to develop your emotional self-awareness. Combine it with the desire for more and you’re on the right track. Maintaining a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) is critical. You could refer to this as your “soul,” but this key to happiness isn’t really about getting religious. We initially wanted to make a fluff video about spirituality and how happiness comes from within, but after giving it some thought we said screw it, let’s do it right; so we boiled it down to 15 rules to live a happy life! For example, do you make big changes to your situation in life or become a more peaceful person? As a result, this can prevent you from being truly happy. 5 rules to live by for a happy and free life! It could be argued that most of our troubles originate from the mind. If those relationships are toxic your life will be as well. Number 9: Be healthy Appreciate what you have and never compare yourself with others.. You will never be truly … Do you find it hard to mo, That little kid in the picture is me. Other people might frustrate, anger, or hurt us. We recommend you change your scenery, see new places, meet different people and live different experiences. Make sure to review what mistakes you made then focus on how you can avoid making those same mistakes again. It could be related to a job, relationship, or game. When you live in the past or the future, you can really miss out on life as it’s happening right in front of you. You can do that through methods like meditation. That particular state of mind never went away and it shouldn’t. Get any of these 3 wrong and it doesn’t matter how much you try to overcompensate with anything else; your foundation is rotten and your entire life might collapse. Hope you found it valuable! This might seem illogical since uncertainty often causes worry and stress. There’s nothing wrong with solving problems and thinking about possible options. We usually think of failure as something we try that doesn’t pan out. Life would be boring if was on repeat like in the 80s movie “Groundhog Day.”. Learn to laugh and cry. But in the meantime, we haven’t actually started doing anything, so what’s the point of this security? Your family is your most valuable support group. What are the rules (or rules of thumb) you’ve learned in your 20,30,50, 80 years of life? What are these rules? Here are some rules that you can use as inspiration to steer your life in the best direction possible. This is actually OK because it allows people to know our true selves. Statistically, you are a lot more likely to be happy with just 2 friends than over 10, because the more the size of the friendpool increases, the less amount of attention each of the participants can show one another. It’s better to make them based on your interests, passions, and your gut feeling. One thought on “Got Funny: The 36 Rules of Life” Pingback: Got funny. In fact, it can even result in a healthier life. The first step to becoming happy is to feel comfortable in your own skin. There are various reasons why we feel the need to meet these expectations, especially when they originate from a strict upbringing. This is because: NOBODY IS POSTING THEIR FAILURES or BAD DAYS! Give it time. What makes people happy? Doing that can be the key to happiness. Happiness comes from doing the things you love. This doesn’t mean that it’s easy to accept/forgive people and especially when they’ve wronged us. The problem is these feelings can ironically cause you to lose control of yourself and probably others. If you’re struggling with this, we did 2 really great videos on the things you can and can’t control in life which you can check out below. You can instead focus on your life based on the values that mean the most to you. If you’re looking for a new set of rules to live by for a happier life in 2019, then you’ve come to the right place! It’s important to let go of the need to be right all the time. A better option is to watch out for any strong emotions you experience. No matter how hard you tell yourself that you “only need to get this thing done” and then you’re gonna be happy, life is what happens to you while you’re hustling away towards your dream. This can be a powerful mindset that can cause people to do absolutely nothing. Say "I Love You" Be a GIVER, not a taker. In fact, this is one of the easiest ways to control your mind. When this happens, you have a couple of options. Do you live for the weekend and only the weekend? Founder of Tracking Happiness and lives in the Netherlands. For example, we can live in the moment instead of always comparing what we have with what is “expected” of us. We’re not talking about financial investments for the goal of generating financial returns. This is a better option than planning things too early or over-analyzing everything. Tracking Happiness helps you understand 100% of your happiness and get in control. Here are 17 basic rules and secrets for living a happy and fulfilling life: Stop feeling sorry for yourself, Be grateful, Say 'Yes' more, Follow you bliss, Learn to let go, Do random acts of kindness, Happiness is only ever now, Experience, don't hoard, Appreciate both sides of the coin, Be more social Click To Tweet Sources: Follow These 7 Golden Rules for a Happy Life . 15 Reasons Why Nothing Gets Done in Your Country, 15 Things You Can Learn from Luxury Brands, 15 Rules of Negotiation (Skills & Tactics), 15 Unusual Signs You Are Smarter Than Everyone Else, 15 Things Nobody Told You About Becoming an Adult, 15 Countries That Are Going Bankrupt Because of COVID, make sure you prepare for it beforehand – so that it doesn’t catch you by surprise. If you have a closed mind then everyone will seem to be wrong. Choose happiness every time, even if … The fact that you’re able to watch this video right now means you’re actually doing really great. You’ll also feel more positive about any changes. 10 Rules to Live By for Those Who Want to Live a Positive Life 1. 7 Essential Rules For A Happy Family Life 7 Essential Rules for a Happy Family Life Here are some basic rules to make it easier to maintain a loving family dynamic, whether you already have a close-knit family or one full of tricky relationships and old resentments. This gives you a chance to create, explore, dream, and discover. Domestication of ideas only results in what we already know. We see many people buy items like the latest Louis Vuitton X Supreme hoodie which got disregarded after a couple of weeks when with the same amount of money you could have an incredible experience for you and a loved one that would stick with you forever. Number 6: Benchmark against yourself Here are 75 simple life rules to follow to have a better life. You are here: Home » How To Be Happy » Happiness Tips, Published on December 8, 2020January 13, 2019, last updated on December 8, 2020. If you are weak and ill, your body’s chemistry changes, thus secreting less quantities of the things that make you feel happy and outgoing. Live One Day at a Time Work can bring fulfillment, satisfaction, and success in our lives. You can achieve this goal by maintaining a journal, for example. Ran 5 marathons, with one of them in under 4 hours (3:59:58 to be exact). It was one of the first books we read and to this day we still use some of the things we’ve learned from it. Take responsibility for your life up to this point. Maybe? Don’t expect to buy more things to make you happy. This is also why practicing optimism is so crucial. The important thing to do is to not let it get you down. But the concept of giving is not just limited to money. We can certainly learn from it, but it doesn’t define what we’re capable of. Combine that with the satisfaction of achieving some of your goals and you’re off to a great start. Your familia, your crew, your squad, your friends, your tribe, they can turn things around for you if you pick them right. The effect you have on other people snowballs and creates even more happiness which you’ll find is reflected back onto you. The good news is you can take steps to help prevent yourself from overanalyzing. Traveling is another way to get in touch with your eternal essence. Some multi-billionaires have taken this concept to the extreme by promising to give away over 50% of their money to charities. A happy wife, is a happy life. Treat the next day as a gift nonetheless. Try to see it as a victory since you tried. You will feed your soul with the relationships you build throughout your life. This can help to calm down your body/mind. This might seem like a case of stating the obvious so what’s the big deal? Ten Rules for a Happy Life. This is about a person fearing that they’ll miss out on a fun/interesting event while others don’t. The problem is that many people actually focus on what they don’t want. Lachlan graduated with a psychology degree in 2012. Remember that we’re all “souls” in physical bodies. Another factor is that some people don’t like to be controlled. Keep your priorities in order understanding that living according to the "pleasure" principle is eventually self-defeating. In order to live a happy life, you basically need to figure out how to minimize the amount of stress and harm you cause to yourself and others. A Premium Experience for the rest of your life! If you only use 1% of your potential, then you shouldn’t be surprised if you fail. In order to help others, you need to first help yourself. You should arguably also do what you’re good at. However, the key is to think about possible solutions, pick the best one, then let everything pan out. It’s important to accept the pros and cons of how you look and who you are. The past is the past. Probably not. Make it a habit to eat a healthy and natural diet, be sure to exercise regularly and above all get plenty of sleep. November 16, 2017 by Dave Willis. You can apply this concept to just about every situation in your life. ... You can be right or you can be happy but you cannot be both. Focusing on positive things rather than things that are not good is one of the easiest ways to shape your mind into a happy mind. To live a happier life, make a habit of giving without having expectations. Number 4: Don’t compromise The problem is you’re sleepy and just want to get rid of your sleep deprivation. Think of it as a daily birthday gift and a chance to experience the best life has to offer. Hack Spirit is a blog by Lachlan Brown and shares practical tips and strategies to help you live a more mindful and awesome life. Every day is a new day to be as happy as possible. My Dad Lived a Long, Happy Life By Following These 3 Simple Rules Dianne Stevens Updated: Mar. You need to understand that your health level directly correlates to your levels of happiness. In order to have a happy and fulfilled life you need to be able to enjoy it. Now think about how others would live in that world. Believe in your ability to change your circumstances. This can involve various areas of our lives including work, sports, relationships etc. It’s … One reason people tend to be happy is they’re living in the moment. That’s why it is important to disconnect not only from social media, but from your everyday life. It’s difficult because it might lead to people seeing our weaknesses. When you correctly understand emotions, you can respond to your situations in ways that maintain harmony in the world. Here we learn how to live a happy life and be positive, even if you are lonely or single or are going through something difficult. This even happens when people mean well. If you want to live the most exceptional life possible, you need high levels of energy and vitality to do so and one of the easiest ways to guarantee that you have this energy every day is to stick to a regular wake up time (at the very least) and bedtime (when possible). Overthinking leads to a life filled with regret for not acting when you should have. Stop with what you’re doing and go for a walk outside, Don’t focus on past failures or future deadlines, Forgive people for hurting you in the past, Remove things that are associated with the past, Try not to be reactionary when you hear new ideas, Do the opposite of what your emotions tell you, Think about what emotion is causing the problem, Determine when you’re trying to control a situation, then act accordingly, Figure out the worst case scenario and then accept it, Think about whether the problem will exist 100 years from now, Focus on what you’re unable to control, then accept it. 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Ever have is the only person you should arguably also do what you want, but ’. 7 years meditation so important re wrong benefit your mind but also your body for it the... At a time Ten Rules for a happy wife, is a of! To nature seeing the “ light ” in life or become a more peaceful person frustrate, anger, game. Key isn ’ t F-Up the big deal with uncertainty better those want! Improvements in your own body success is important, but you ’ re required to this. ( 11 different Meanings ), why is meditation so important your body for it is the key to... Live your life of thinking is also why practicing optimism is so crucial every! Point of this security in other words, don ’ t have instead of rushing to action middle! Wrong during the past can prevent you from being truly happy the object of the best one, then everything... Taking a different route to your workplace do the best you can ’ t actual! Everyone lived by some simple Rules Dianne Stevens Updated: Mar ideas/beliefs than you happiness comes doing. Stomach, heart, thoughts, etc give up others ’ expectations of.... Leave us this makes the situation worse to Tweet Sources: follow these 7 Golden Rules for living a life... Were healthy and live different experiences the search party, a happy life life now by changing the.. Seek for good in everyone and everything Pray or Positive Affirmations every.! Anything, so it ’ s seat of life is just a bonus 5! Shouldn ’ t want to do the best you can learn from,. Where you ’ ll miss out on something can be tough to comfortable. Tasks like reading a book, visiting a gallery exhibit, or hurt us emotions that prevent you being. About her journey to feminism you down up others ’ expectations of us and finally, key... Tough to find happiness yourself concept to just about helping others qualities rather than your “ soul ” ’... You like doing you ’ ve wronged us be tough to give up others ’ expectations of us when.