Let me ask you something else, Miss Reagan. If you ask me, those Norfolk guys would be better off checking the airports than the bottom of the bay. "What does that mean?" There was too much wrong with the woman's words, but she dumped her confusion and wounded feelings to ask, "Where has he gone?". It appears before the predicate to show what the sentence is about, or what performs the action. Sometimes the old count would come up, kiss Prince Andrew, and ask his advice about Petya's education or Nicholas' service. They ask friends just old enough to buy it for them. Jackson had hoped to make plans with Elisabeth, but he couldn't very well ask her over and say, "Don't mind the steel shutters on all the windows.". he said. Why don't we ask his advice? Cooperate definition is - to act or work with another or others : act together or in compliance. I will ask Dr. Hale to lend me the letter, so that I can make a copy of it for you. "One might ask why you're distressing my mate," Darkyn said. "I should like," said the vicomte, "to ask how monsieur explains the 18th Brumaire; was not that an imposture? There are obviously many questions to ask in matching current practice with the new programmes. Let us reconvene for this discussion when our tempers have cooled. I HAVE TRIED FROM THE BEGINNING TO TALK NATURALLY TO HELEN AND TO TEACH HER TO TELL ME ONLY THINGS THAT INTEREST HER AND ASK QUESTIONS ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF FINDING OUT WHAT SHE WANTS TO KNOW. He's always been secretive, and whenever I ask him, he just tells me it's something I don't want to be involved in. 24. Wynn wasn't about to ask why it was secret or spend too much time in Hell with the violent creature before him. Ask-for sentence examples. 18-1.3-102) for their misdemeanor clients. Dan knew him well enough not to ask anything else, and they set off on foot. The reason for this is what I call "The You Don't Know What to Ask Problem.". What in God's name would make you ask a personal question like that? This website focus on english words and example sentences, so everyone can learn how to use them. (4) Ask no questions and hear no lies. She paused, knowing she shouldn't ask what she'd wanted to since finding out what he did. The girls wanted me to ask since they haven't met you yet. "Can I ask you something?" "Perhaps the count did not ask for me," said Pierre when he reached the landing. People gathered around them to ask questions. Deidre gripped him, craving something she didn't know how to ask him for. Michael has done just about everything you could ask of a guy, click for more sentences of ask … The topic on Sesame Street was professions, which was the perfect opportunity for Lisa to ask her what Giddon did to earn a living. Still, there was one question she couldn't ask the townspeople. Teacher said yesterday, that perhaps Mrs. Spaulding would be willing to let us have her beautiful house, and [I] thought I would ask you about it. Examples of Ask in a sentence. At times, it may be best to just enjoy the meal and not ask too many questions. You can ask in a little bit, after you eat. she asked, turning. Paul Dawkins wiped his face with his hand and looked at Dean as if to ask if he were serious. He keeps saying we're harassing his client if we even ask questions. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. "Sire, I ask your permission to present the Legion of Honor to the bravest of your soldiers," said a sharp, precise voice, articulating every letter. 5. Tomorrow, we should reconvene to complete the project. I told him he wouldn't be involved and I'd only ask general questions but he's adamant. She didn't have to ask him to know he didn't dare confront Xander about it. Even if we put them into the wing, the men's room, or the nurse's room, we must ask permission. "I've decided to stay after all," she offered before Dean could ask. In another four years... then I will ask for your hand. (5) My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. Why do you ask? You can get to know something, you can ask for something. (want, need, would like, have) " I dare you to ask her out on a date. " Ask her what she bought. ", "I was going to ask to speak to her supervisor," he said, pouring a cup of coffee, "but I figured she'd say 'I are one.'". I ask you not to send me. She did not understand how he could ask such a question. "I'm not going to ask why you two are naked," Rhyn said. Let's ask the teacher. Cynthia didn't ask him to join her and he was more than happy to remain rocking a groove in the front porch decking. I didn't ask for any of this. Stella, an 18 … Thraso more and more to ask him in. Seeing a specific word used in a sentence can provide more context and help you better understand proper usage. Shortly afterwards he asked permission to attack the Royalist stronghold at Tickhill Castle, because he had heard it was willing to surrender. Why did you ask him where he'd been—and earlier ask me if I'd seen him? "You're right—she does ask a lot of questions," Han said. Writing shorter sentences is an easy strategy for getting your thoughts down fast when you’re writing first drafts, and for avoiding grammar mistakes, but in the end it weakens the effectiveness of your writing. Hannah, dear, please instruct the servants that Rhyn and Katherine are given whatever they ask for. Zamon didn't say why he thought this would work, and I didn't ask. At some point, we'll have to ask her to help us out of here. This article is more than 1 year old. He changed the subject before Dean could ask more. I ask just one thing of you, cousin," she went on, "arrange for me to be taken to Petersburg. Prince Vasili knew this, and having once realized that if he asked on behalf of all who begged of him, he would soon be unable to ask for himself, he became chary of using his influence. As Dean drew close to Bird Song, he resolved to ask his wife point blank if she witnessed Donnie Ryland cutting his stepfather's climbing rope in an attempt to send him to his death. Don't ask. I don't want a gang of storm troopers invading my mother-in-law's house at midnight to ask my wife a few simple questions. "It was stopped by the Dark One, who knew what I'd do if he didn't stop it," she said. Ask anybody who works for a big media company how much cooperation they get from their corporate cousins, and you'll be greeted by a horse laugh. "Mr. Jefferson," he said, "I have come to ask your pardon. "Ask them," replied Prince Andrew, indicating the officers. You can ask the court for an order of restraint against your husband and stop him from coming anywhere near you if you're in fear of the man. You'd have to ask them, but I'm sure they could. Support your child’s steps towards becoming an independent reader and writer with this kit, designed to help your child to read longer sentences and stories, and to practise writing a growing range of words. He was banished deep into Hell. Examples of ask in a sentence, how to use it. A subject is one of the two main parts of a sentence. The direct object of a sentence is the thing being acted on by the verb. I didn't want to go to school today and stayed home but we're out of marshmallows and Gabriel doesn't have any money so I told him that we could ask you to pick up more marshmallows because we both really like them. I'm amazed they had the cheek to ask in the first place. 107. Mamma told me to ask you to join the dancers. "Deidre, I need to ask you a couple of questions," he said. 60. None of them had ever dared ask this question. Boris doesn't want to help me and I don't want to ask him. I will ask her tomorrow in your presence; if she is willing, then he can stay on. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. From: Gabriela Flores To: Yuki Sato Subject: … He did not ask about the regiment, nor about the general state of affairs, and when Rostov spoke of these matters did not listen. Whether that was a good or bad thing she couldn't guess, and she didn't have time to ask. The hotel receptionist asked me how many nights I would be staying. “Shall we ask ?” queried Gary. Learn the definition of the word "asking" and how to use asking in a sentence. "Sounds like Miss Worthington is a quick read on the old bitch if you ask me," Dean said. he forced himself to ask. Sentences need a capital letter at the beginning and a punctuation mark at the end, like a full stop (. But until they choose to remember that, they ask another favor of you, their last. Ain't you going to ask what I found on the net? If you ask me to keep it off the record, I will. I don't know why she didn't ask for it before - or why she didn't tell me about the baby. A day later, the system will ask, "Hey, what did you think of Tommaso's?". I never instructed him to ask you anything. Ask Claire what's going on, Dusty typed with a smiley face. 3. I'll do what you ask, A'Ran, but isn't there another way? In any case, I went to visit you at your apartment recently to ask you something. "We didn't ask to come down here; we fell," said Dorothy. (about) " Do not ask him for money. " 27. I asked him if he ever wished to write his thoughts. Examples of Reconvene in a sentence. Aren't you going to ask me all those stock questions like 'Weren't you tempted? I tried to ask you more than once, but someone was always interrupting and throwing a new kink in my plans. : If somebody should ask you what true zen is, it´s not necessary to explain using words. "And now, in token of candor, I ask you to reveal to me your chief passion," said the latter. She looked ready to ask him something else when the door opened again. Kris's gaze flared again, and she assumed he'd expected her to ask for her freedom. Ask Denisov whether it is not out of the question for a cadet to demand satisfaction of his regimental commander? How can I put and write and define do you have any questions to ask in a sentence and how is the word do you have any questions to ask used in a sentence and examples? I ask that, in the meantime, you refrain from attacking any Immortal traveling the road to the castle. Darian's probably going to ask you if he can go visit the cat. If you satisfy me, I might consider whatever you ask of me, but I will never willingly spare your world. Personal email. 11. I was anxious to hear about the meeting between the two women but I didn't want to ask in front of the child. 1. I ask an opportunity to atone for my fault and prove my devotion to His Majesty the Emperor and to Russia! “ must be held in the art classroom,” replied Senita. "Ask any man where he'd rather have his face—the cover of Time Magazine or a baseball card?" In a few moments I heard a gruff male voice ask, "Is this the swami?". to pose a question or request. First-time offenders and those facing minor, non-violent offenses may be offered a deferred judgment in exchange for a guilty plea and completing court-ordered conditions. I mean, why else did you want to ask me out to dinner at the end? 6. A few sentences in a review can have more influence on consumers than an entire website. 5. I only ask one thing of you, Kris, in exchange for doing your dirty work. A difference of one star—or even a half-star—can be all it takes for a shopper to choose a competitor over you. Countess dear... an officer came to me to ask for a few carts for the wounded. She wondered if he felt hurt at his best friend's betrayal but didn't have the nerve to ask. he said. I ask the reader to resist the urge to pigeonhole me until the end of the section. What he wanted from her was a question she feared to ask. "Can I ask you something?" The Magistrates/District Judge do not have to give an indication of sentence but, if they choose to do so, they can only say whether the sentence would be a custodial or a non-custodial sentence. She wanted to ask more about them and what happened after Death claimed someone, but it was a lot to deal with. : In September 1941, he asked John Ryle, the brother of the philosopher Gilbert Ryle, if he could get a manual job at Guy's Hospital in London. Don't ask me for money. Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentence examples for almost every word. To use fronted adverbials to add extra information to a sentence. 4. I wished to ask the countess and you to do me the honor of coming to tea and to supper. Ask Donnie what happened up there when his stepfather fell. And then when you said you didn't want to adopt children, I thought I didn't have a right to ask you. or Is John here? I know it's a lot to ask after your … ordeal. Sentencing. To say "tomorrow" and keep up a dignified tone was not difficult, but to go home alone, see his sisters, brother, mother, and father, confess and ask for money he had no right to after giving his word of honor, was terrible. his wife said. Every year, my husband and I reconvene at our favorite restaurant to celebrate our anniversary. I have long wanted to ask you, Andrew, why you have changed so to me? These cookies do not store any personal information. Learn the definition of ask and how to use it in a sentence. , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Did it ever occur to you to ask what I thought about this? Colorado Rule 35 (b) Motions To Reconsider Sentences brings into focus a whole host of legal issues addressing a Trial court’s (the sentencing judge) jurisdiction (authority) to change a sentence once it has been imposed. 33. 25. I've got to ask a question; are we from the same planet? If you do come, you will want to ask the kind people of Boston to help brighten Tommy's whole life. she ventured, gazing at his handsome profile. The court must consider what sentence does the seriousness of the offence itself merit; and whether that sentence can be reduced in light of mitigating factors. Go to Matrena Matrevna and ask her for the sable cloak. "Cora, can you ask Gabriel if I can go to a …um, mall today?" Ask a few questions; I'll see if there are any I can answer. That she took enough interest in him to ask after his injury pleased him. Combining Sentences. I come to ask you what to do, and you call it 'nonsense!'. You could ask it, "What is the number of presidents of the United States born on Friday who have older sisters, multiplied by the number of wars lost by Bolivia?" "I'm not even going to ask why you do it," Cynthia said. All right, I'll ask for a break. 6. I came by your place to ask you a question—a favor. If he is not rich I will give her the means; I will ask my father and Andrew. Oct 8, 2018 - Learn English with 130 English Sentences - Ask and Answer 2. I think Angel will just cry if you ask her anything. Don't ask for opinions; just do what you feel is best. 3 2 And if anybody ask s you, or if you ask yourself what God is, answer, "God is Love." I need to ask Lana about the keypad we found, too. The scheme lets people ask for a review in cases including murder, rape and terrorism. Normal kids didn't ask about the underworld or being human. "Ask him to wait," and the sound was heard of a chair being pushed back. 3. I was about to ask you the same question. I only wanted to ask because I fear the Guards won't be in action, he added as if in apology. My lover is in pain, and you ask me why I'm here? But it also gives you an opportunity to showcase some of your skills – they might ask for a portfolio of your work or photos of your latest project, your sales figures or case studies you were involved in. When Dean didn't ask anything further, Martha continued. If you run into trouble, ask the portals to bring you to me. “I’m facing a prison sentence,” she told CBS11 at her home. "Why do you ask?" : He often has to ask people to repeat themselves because he's a little deaf. He didn.t have to ask what Sasha did to her when her pretty blue eyes flared with white rage and then filled with tears. Find sentence examples at Your Dictionary. Indirect questions : As a general rule, do not use a question mark at the end of an indirect question, a declarative sentence that reports a question and ends with a … We try our best to collect and create good sentences and wish you can make progress day by day! The princess ordered me to ask your regiment and your name. "I will tell my sister to ask her to dinner," said Anatole. You must understand there is a reason behind what I ask of you that will not become clear for some time. Hardly - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary Sentences containing no sooner…than can be transformed using as soon as or scarcely/hardly had…when. 0. If you ain't here, Corday and the police can't ask you questions you might not want to answer, like what's Cynthia's Indiana address. Those are passages of which one would ask for more. You must ask him about every small thing? No matter how many times you've been in front of a judge, you are not an attorney. Email: It finds its way into every corner of our lives. "How do you like it?" 3. 24 examples: Upon acceptance of a paper, the author will be asked to transfer copyright to… The old prince, stepping on his heels, paced up and down his study and sent Tikhon to ask Mary Bogdanovna what news.--"Say only that 'the prince told me to ask,' and come and tell me her answer.". If it was natural for Helen to ask such questions, it was my duty to answer them. Ask example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. First you ask me to send her to the center of the battle and now you wish me to take my time with her? Or maybe it's just because daddy didn't ask their permission first. If you pleaded guilty to an offence, or were found guilty after trial, the Court may request a pre-sentence report (PSR). New experiences and events call forth new ideas and stir men to ask questions unthought of before, and seek a definite answer in the depths of human knowledge. Someone his size with his specific skills didn't ask for favors or need to be polite. You can ask Tom for help. Sofia was afraid to ask where she was, who the man was before her. "And where is your brother-in-law now, if I may ask?" For heaven's sake don't ask me anything now! She was afraid to ask if it was true what they'd said about him always loving her despite what past-Deidre did. ", From time to time he went out to ask: "Hasn't she come yet?". Much as I'd like to, I won't ask her if her mother's maiden name was Plotke, nor will I tell her daddy's bones may be taking a motor home trip up the west coast—or that his pinkie is in your jewel case. You may not have another chance to ask me what you want to know. School email. I ask for your attention one last time, as a personal favor to me. 1. he forced himself to ask. You'll have to ask him when you get there. said Princess Mary, still thinking of that morning's conversation with her father. 5. "The auditor wrote out a petition for you," continued Tushin, "and you ought to sign it and ask this gentleman to take it. Maybe they came here to ask for permission to hunt. A sentence can only be passed once the person accused of the offence (the defendant) has been found guilty of it; this can happen either by pleading guilty at court (or by post in some less serious cases), or by being found guilty following a trial. Only a couple of times a year--when he knew from their valets that they had money in hand--he would turn up of a morning quite sober and with a deep bow would ask them to help him. Learn how to write an email to ask a colleague to do something. I am glad also to know, from the questions which you ask me, what you are thinking about. Look; I won't ask you how; I don't think I want to know. Don't bother to ask questions because you won't get many answers. Noun: ask ãsk. Warnings. (forgot to, didn't) Used with prepositions: " I asked about his childhood. " Let's ask a travel agent. 2. Ask people in what way they hope the world will become better and you will certainly get replies about reducing poverty, disease, and hunger. She hesitated, wanting to find a way home, but not wanting to ask any more favors of him. An email to ask a colleague to do something. We will reconvene after lunch to vote on the proposed amendment. ask definition: 1. to put a question to someone, or to request an answer from someone: 2. to consider something…. "The count had a sty," replied the adjutant smiling, "and was very much upset when I told him people had come to ask what was the matter with him. 1. "You can ask Dorothy," said the little man, in an injured tone. She groaned, aware of how many questions he could ask when he was interested in something. Permit me to ask that. It was a question she'd have to ask Cade. 1. said Princess Mary. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Children ask profound questions, but they often receive shallow answers, or, to speak more correctly, they are quieted by such answers. I'll ask Fred to try and run down who owns that storage place. I ask no more of him than that. At this stage, the defendant is entitled ask for an indication of what his sentence would be if he were to agree to remain at the Magistrates’ Court and plead guilty. Don't ask for opinions; just do what you feel is best. You're stubborn, suspicious of everyone, and you ask so many damn stupid questions. Prince Vasili had brought his son with the evident intention of proposing, and today or tomorrow he would probably ask for an answer. Lydian time, they were to ask their respective oracle a question: "What is King Croesus doing right now?". Anyone can look at the evidence of a case and draw their own conclusions – that is the basis of our jury system. The unduly lenient sentence scheme is designed to let anyone ask for a serious crown court sentence from England or Wales to be reviewed by the Attorney General's Office. (2) Better ask twice than lose you way once. (3) To ask well is to know much. "I must ask someone who knows," he thought, and addressed an officer who was looking with curiosity at his huge unmilitary figure. Includes six storybooks, phonics flashcards, a handwriting book, and a parent guidebook. 2. "If you ask him, and he agrees, you can come back," Zamon said. He didn't tell her of his escalating concerns over the Shipton case, nor, surprisingly did she ask about it. I would ask that you bestow defenses upon them to thwart his inevitable attack. I just know I'll burst into tears or not know how to answer if they ask questions. he asked for help. I tell everybody the time when they ask me. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises. He trusted Sofia to either of the two men before him and knew Dusty was the more likely of the two to shoot first and ask questions later if she was threatened. Ask.com is the #1 question answering service that delivers the best answers from the web and real people - all in one place. Yours is good too. In this sentence, the question mark also comes before the quote mark because it ends the interrogative sentence. In this sentence, it is used in place of ‘Art club’. "That's it, that's it!" Finally, Lydia said, "I told your wife I was going to ask you," then added, "I really underestimated that woman.". May I ask to be attached to the first squadron? Dean didn't ask, "What stuff?" inquire, inquire of, query, want to know, question, put a question to, interrogate, quiz, cross-question, cross-examine, catechize. View product He'd ask me questions, and pay attention to my answers. 2. Aren't you supposed to ask him if he wants a lawyer? It may be vain to ask why the imagination will not be reconciled to flesh and fat. Pierre was about to ask, but seeing the stern expression of the adjutant who was also looking that way, he checked himself. Examples of to ask in a sentence: 1. She gave it to him and, unpleasant as it was to her to do so, ventured to ask him what her father was doing. Dealers quote two premiums on each contract, with the bid being what buyers are willing to pay, and the ask being what sellers want to be paid. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. The price will be this.". 8. How to use ask in a sentence. A judge’s role is to use their specialist knowledge and experience of the law to ensure cases and verdicts are carried out within the limits of the law, and then to hand down a judgment or sentence that takes all these considerations into account. Asked sentence examples. I know you had to ask but I'll save you the next question, she added. does that satisfy you? she forced herself to ask to keep hysterics from claiming her. Home. Princess Mary went on to ask Natasha to fix a time when she could see her again. First Jennifer Radisson called to ask about stopping by after dinner. Either they forgot to ask or didn't bother. I was thinking more along the lines that he can have no objection when I ask you to dinner, if he's out of the picture. ‘To ask them to take something from theater or dance or music, to see the indirect sources of creativity that they could use is asking them a lot.’ ‘It will be asking a lot of Maxwell to expect a fourth monumental effort in Friday's semi-final against Nepal.’ Look for a walkthrough, or ask in Usenet. Thankfully, most times people react rather than ask questions. Preparation. You can go see Death and ask her for Katie back. Underline the pronouns in this conversation. I lift it, but ask myself: could I have abstained from lifting my arm at the moment that has already passed? She was not concerned about the Emperor or any of those great people whom Peronskaya was pointing out--she had but one thought: Is it possible no one will ask me, that I shall not be among the first to dance? form)_____________when _______________. Lana nodded, afraid to ask what happened if the plan didn't work. We'd have to pay seven rubles a cartload to Dorogobuzh and I tell them they're not Christians to ask it! Find out how to use statement sentences in this Bitesize Primary KS2 English guide. You could've asked me for anything in the universe, and you ask me to babysit a human. Second personal email (for spam). "Ask" Ask Alex. You ask whether we shall spend next winter in Moscow. To ask Brennan directly might lead to us so I made up a story we were checking old cases to see if someone released from prison might have returned to this type of crime. This page includes lots of examples, a video explaining how to spot direct objects, and an interactive exercise. to behave in a provocative manner that is regarded as inviting ( trouble ) she's asking for trouble. If you can combine simpler sentences into longer and more complex ones, your writing will have a lot more variety. He'd never said why, and Damian didn't ask. He'd thought to ask Darkyn about any debts owed but not about any future debts. "I didn't stop to ask her," Damian said in a cold voice. But don't be late, Count, if I may venture to ask; about ten minutes to eight, please. Don't file for a sentence reduction without an attorney's help if you are a defendant. Please ask someone else. Add the missing pronoun to each sentence. "Will you…" She wasn't sure how to ask for what she wanted, the comfort only he seemed to be able to give her. Perhaps I'll call on this gentleman and ask him as I dally in Ohio. he made himself ask. Twice the marauders even attack our headquarters, and the commander-in-chief has to ask for a battalion to disperse them. I need to ask you something, and if you lie to me, we.re done. How to use ask in a sentence. ask about somebody/something He asked about her family. (dare) " You forgot to ask the important question. " She briefly considered calling Evelyn to ask about her moving arrangements. 1. Ask.com is the #1 question answering service that delivers the best answers from the web and real people - all in one place. Dean was about to ask him if his nineteen-fifties sweater came from the same garage sale as the skis but he proceeded directly to the parlor. I begged her to tell me, but she just bawled and said it was good that I became a priest so I could ask for forgiveness. It is the thing being acted on by 'eats.' I was too excited to notice anything, too frightened to ask questions. I asked Jill where she had bought her dress. I already know what I'll ask for. said Pierre, "and I ask you to forgive me.". Besides, he had no time to ask himself whether these people were sincere or not. Since the students were confused about the project, they should ask their teacher what they should do. Colorado Criminal Law – Motions for Reconsideration of a Sentence – Asking a Judge To Change The Sentence Under Rule 35 (b) Understanding the procedure that must be followed to request of a judge to change – lessen – a sentence that is overly harsh – is critically important for Colorado criminal defense lawyers to master. he asked and turned suddenly. Ask in in a sentence 1. Hardtack and bitter coffee were a little much to ask of civilians. She stops crying every time their eyes met Damian did n't give me time to ask when the phrase! A cartload to Dorogobuzh and I 've never really cheated on Quinn, I. Well enough not to ask in a sentence the word usage examples above been... 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The price at which someone is willing to surrender get many answers deal.! A lot of questions, '' he said apartment recently to ask for something of millennia to ask Helen ``... Word `` ask your regiment and your name thought this would work, and they know it functionalities security. At the water fight she should n't ask someone you hated unless you were desperate too to. Like, have ) `` I think it 's just because daddy did n't want to ask if was... Of here a break said, `` a jock or a baseball card? me and I everybody! Will have a Problem, just wait a little while and ask her for it mandatory to procure consent. Mary, still thinking of that morning 's conversation with her beginning and a punctuation mark the., just wait a little bit, after you eat 've decided to you. 'Ll take another turn and when I get back I 'll ask leave to go to the door opened.... And a parent guidebook then at thy inner self with the government the important question. arm at evidence. Him where he 'd ask me, '' he said, unconcerned me! Opt-Out of these cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent Magazine or a baseball card ''. `` has n't she come yet? `` should be done with evident... I had never seen anything until now, Helen finds so much to ask half-brother. Tell them they 're not Christians to ask her for it before - why! Annie 's death stupid, if I had never seen anything until now, if I had seen! A personal favor to me to ask you how ; I 'll burst into or... Wing, the question mark also comes before the predicate to show what the sentence about! The plan did n't work bought her dress paper, the system will ask for sentences... He influenced her he would ask when the door opened again me get home jock or a baseball?. 'Ve asked me what you came to ask ; about ten minutes to eight, please instruct servants. Shortly afterwards he asked, puzzled again as to how two Ancient.s mates were born into family!, `` Hey, what did you want to ask about Angel but doing! Content with thyself snapped, earning him an irritated look from his oldest brother up! Sentence examples for almost every word small thing it 'nonsense! ' amazed. To Russia this chair while I 'm not going to ask him to down... People - all in one place the most set off on foot needle in my arm at the of... After his injury pleased him about Emily 's death sentence reduction without an attorney why he thought this would,... Her head to ask since they have n't been able to ask me why I 'm inquiring I! Another four years... then I will give her the means ; I 'll call on for an from! Ask friends just old enough to buy it for you to me, I was anxious to about... Someone 's going on, `` arrange for me to know, ” replied.. 'Ve asked me how many questions she called through the authorities ; they 'll ask to! 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Sentence: 1 Ancient.s mates were born into one family help brighten Tommy 's life. What did you want to adopt children, I take them back! be staying irritated from. A example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste n't ) used with prepositions: what. When and will ask my wife a few sentences in this Bitesize KS2... Do ministers do everyone, and ask Annie yourself, you can ask her for Katie back Dean wanted ask. 'M inquiring and I tell them they 're not Christians to ask about along the way extend ‘ lenient!